Fighting Fraud and Corruption

Unfortunate that today, the trust and business environment is being destroyed by fraudulent and scammers . This is duty of all humankind to fight the corruption, Fraud and scams to ensure the legal, lawful and trust-able environment for professional and legal business.

ADP is strictly committed to fight all illegal and Fraud activities to achieve its vision of a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and supportable Asia and Pacific region. Our Anti-fraud and Scams Due Diligence Team (ASD) leads the integrity initiatives of ADP through the conduct of investigations, project procurement-related reviews, integrity due diligence, and knowledge-sharing with ADP’s shareholders.

ASD’s mandate is underpinned by ADP’s zero tolerance for corruption. It is aligned with ADP’s broader commitment to combat corruption and improve governance as an operational priority of ADP Strategy 2035.

In the strategy, ADP repeats that the ability of countries to develop resilience from disasters and economic shocks stems from institutions and governance, free from corruption and other integrity violations. Through transparent, real, and accountable aid, ADP is a responsible and accountable organization, seeks sustainable and inclusive paths toward sustainable growth and poverty reduction.

To avoid any fraud and scam please read ADP Policy very carefully. Please be aware that no person has authorization for signing of any project or contract on behalf of ADP before official approval and authentications, and also ADP never asks for any small or big amount as upfront fee, or any type illegal and irresponsible acts.

In case somebody ask you any solicitation or upfront fee then please inform us immediately, please don’t pay any amount to any one otherwise you will also considered as a crime and fraud partner of the scammer .

Please Contact anti-fraud and scam detection team at