Our Highly Expert Team

Green Oil & Investment Group was founded in 2001 and has grown rapidly ever since, expanding around the world and becoming an VIP member of ADP Platform.

We have combined quality, safety and health as well as environmental protection into an integrated quality management system to ensure that all business processes are performed according to standards within a future-oriented and sustainable business strategy. Therefore, standards are essential to achieve our ambition to be recognized and trusted as a service provider that enhances economic mobility, builds trust in business partners, and creates transparency in society.

We are convinced that the basis of economic success depends more than ever on the responsible use of available resources at the economic, environmental and social levels.

We belive in compliance, respect, responsibility, transperency, accountibility and the quality of our services. This requires everyone to be involved, aware of their responsibilities and empowered to take action to protect our employees and their families, our customers and our reputation.